tisdag 10 augusti 2010

To blog in China ... ?

It seems that it is not sure that I will be able to continue writing to my ainoinchina-blog
while staying in Chongqing, China because many blogs are blocked in China.
What a pity... but I hope that I will be able to continue writing about my experiences there.

Chongqing - furnace of China ?

Climate is subtropical in Chongqing, China. It is about + 40 degrees and sunny in Chongqing right now in august. I will be leaving to Chongqing in the end of the month and I hope it will not be so HOT then. I've heard that it can be quite pleasant, warm weather during september, october and november. It will be really nice to be able to escape the cold weather during autumn and beginning of winter here in Stockholm, Sweden.
